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Электронный каталог: Simon, William E. - A time for truth
Simon, William E. - A time for truth
Автор: Simon, William E.
A time for truth
Издательство: МсGraw- Hill Book Company, Reader's digest Press, 1978 г.
ISBN 0-07-057378-6
Автор: Simon, William E.
A time for truth
Издательство: МсGraw- Hill Book Company, Reader's digest Press, 1978 г.
ISBN 0-07-057378-6
63.3(7Сое) S-61
Simon, William E.
A time for truth / W. E. Simon ; preface by M. Friedman ; Forew. by F. A. Hayek . – New York; Chicago : МсGraw- Hill Book Company ; New York : Reader's digest Press, 1978 . – XVI, 248 p. : photo of author on 4-th page of supercover
Index: p.245-248
ISBN 0-07-057378-6 (hard cover and supercover) .
ББК 63.3(7Сое)
0059097 Библиотека К/Х Историческая лит-ра 63.3(7Сое) S-61
63.3(7Сое) S-61
Simon, William E.
A time for truth / W. E. Simon ; preface by M. Friedman ; Forew. by F. A. Hayek . – New York; Chicago : МсGraw- Hill Book Company ; New York : Reader's digest Press, 1978 . – XVI, 248 p. : photo of author on 4-th page of supercover
Index: p.245-248
ISBN 0-07-057378-6 (hard cover and supercover) .
ББК 63.3(7Сое)
0059097 Библиотека К/Х Историческая лит-ра 63.3(7Сое) S-61