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Электронный каталог: Жид, Шарль - Communist and co-operative colonies
Жид, Шарль - Communist and co-operative colonies
Автор: Жид, Шарль
Communist and co-operative colonies
Издательство: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Жид, Шарль
Communist and co-operative colonies
Издательство: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
65.02 Ж-69
Жид, Шарль.
Communist and co-operative colonies / Ш. Жид ; Transl. by E. F. Row . – New York : Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (Bath : The Pitman Press) . – 222P.
Les Colonies Communistes et Cooperatives . – На тит. л.: Charles Gide profecceur au college de France. Ernest F.Row B.Sc. (Econ) L.C.P. author of "Work wealth and wages" "Elements od economica" etc. translator of Gide's "Principles of political Econmomy etc; Note.P.5; Index. P.217-222.
(hard cover) .
ББК 65.02
0082431 Библиотека К/Х Экономическая лит-ра 65.02 Ж-69
65.02 Ж-69
Жид, Шарль.
Communist and co-operative colonies / Ш. Жид ; Transl. by E. F. Row . – New York : Thomas Y. Crowell Co. (Bath : The Pitman Press) . – 222P.
Les Colonies Communistes et Cooperatives . – На тит. л.: Charles Gide profecceur au college de France. Ernest F.Row B.Sc. (Econ) L.C.P. author of "Work wealth and wages" "Elements od economica" etc. translator of Gide's "Principles of political Econmomy etc; Note.P.5; Index. P.217-222.
(hard cover) .
ББК 65.02
0082431 Библиотека К/Х Экономическая лит-ра 65.02 Ж-69