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Электронный каталог: ABN [Antibolshevik bloc of Nations] correspondence
ABN [Antibolshevik bloc of Nations] correspondence
ABN [Antibolshevik bloc of Nations] correspondence. N 5
Издательство: Press Bureau of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations, 09/1986 г.
ISBN отсутствует
ABN [Antibolshevik bloc of Nations] correspondence. N 5
Издательство: Press Bureau of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations, 09/1986 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Периодическое издание
ABN [Antibolshevik bloc of Nations] correspondence : Monthly bulletin of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations / Antibolshevik bloc of Nations ; Ed.-in-Chief S. Stetzko . – Munich : Press Bureau of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations, 1962-1994
С 1972 г. выходит 6 раз в год. В надзаг.: Freedom of Nations! Freedom of Individuals!. Подзаг. 1972: Bulletin of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations. Publ. and owner c N 2, 1976: American friends of the Anti-Bolshevick Bloc of Nations (New York).
ISSN 0001-0545 .
ABN [Antibolshevik bloc of Nations] correspondence . – Munich : Press Bureau of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations, 09/1986 . – N 5 .
4039802 Библиотека К/Х Периодика 95
ABN [Antibolshevik bloc of Nations] correspondence : Monthly bulletin of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations / Antibolshevik bloc of Nations ; Ed.-in-Chief S. Stetzko . – Munich : Press Bureau of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations, 1962-1994
С 1972 г. выходит 6 раз в год. В надзаг.: Freedom of Nations! Freedom of Individuals!. Подзаг. 1972: Bulletin of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations. Publ. and owner c N 2, 1976: American friends of the Anti-Bolshevick Bloc of Nations (New York).
ISSN 0001-0545 .
ABN [Antibolshevik bloc of Nations] correspondence . – Munich : Press Bureau of the Antibolshevik bloc of Nations, 09/1986 . – N 5 .
4039802 Библиотека К/Х Периодика 95