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Электронный каталог: Davies, Joseph E. - Mission to Moscow
Davies, Joseph E. - Mission to Moscow
Автор: Davies, Joseph E.
Mission to Moscow : A record of confidential dispatches to the State Department, official and personal correspondence, current diary and journal entries, including notes and comment up to October, 1941
Издательство: Simon and Schuster, 1941 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Davies, Joseph E.
Mission to Moscow : A record of confidential dispatches to the State Department, official and personal correspondence, current diary and journal entries, including notes and comment up to October, 1941
Издательство: Simon and Schuster, 1941 г.
ISBN отсутствует
63.3(0)61 D-26
Davies, Joseph Edward.
Mission to Moscow : A record of confidential dispatches to the State Department, official and personal correspondence, current diary and journal entries, including notes and comment up to October, 1941 / J. E. Davies ; Forew. by author's ; Note by author's . – 13-th print . – New York : Simon and Schuster, 1941 . – XXII, 684P. : portr. of the authour, 7l. ill.
Сhronology. P.515-558; Appendix. P.559-646; About the Author. P.684 . – Index. P.671-683
(hard cover with jacket) .
ББК 63.3(0)61
ББК 63.3(2)61
ББК 84(7Сое)
общий тезаурус = ключевые слова : Дипломатия
общий тезаурус = ключевые слова : Мемуары, дневники
общий тезаурус = Сталин Иосиф Виссарионович (н.ф. Джугашвили, 1879-1953)
общий тезаурус = Литвинов (н.ф. Валлах) Максим Максимович (1876-1951)
0114530 Библиотека К/Х Историческая лит-ра 63.3(0)61 D-26
63.3(0)61 D-26
Davies, Joseph Edward.
Mission to Moscow : A record of confidential dispatches to the State Department, official and personal correspondence, current diary and journal entries, including notes and comment up to October, 1941 / J. E. Davies ; Forew. by author's ; Note by author's . – 13-th print . – New York : Simon and Schuster, 1941 . – XXII, 684P. : portr. of the authour, 7l. ill.
Сhronology. P.515-558; Appendix. P.559-646; About the Author. P.684 . – Index. P.671-683
(hard cover with jacket) .
ББК 63.3(0)61
ББК 63.3(2)61
ББК 84(7Сое)
общий тезаурус = ключевые слова : Дипломатия
общий тезаурус = ключевые слова : Мемуары, дневники
общий тезаурус = Сталин Иосиф Виссарионович (н.ф. Джугашвили, 1879-1953)
общий тезаурус = Литвинов (н.ф. Валлах) Максим Максимович (1876-1951)
0114530 Библиотека К/Х Историческая лит-ра 63.3(0)61 D-26