Название |
Документы |
Издательство |
Harvest/HBJ Book |
2 |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc |
A Harvest book |
1 |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers |
An HBJ Modern Classic |
7 |
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers |
Instructor's manual |
1 |
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. |
The Harbrace ser. in Russian Area studies |
1 |
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. |
History of Europen civilization library |
1 |
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. |
Harvest Book |
3 |
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. |
A Harbrace casebook in political science |
1 |
Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. |
Harper's Social Science series |
1 |
Harper & Brothers Publ. |
Harper Torchbooks |
4 |
Harper & Brothers Publ. |
Perennial library |
6 |
Harper & Row Publ. |
Documentary histiry of Western civilization |
1 |
Harper & Row Publ. |
The rauschenbusch lectures, New Ser. |
1 |
Harper & Row Publ. |
Harper Torchbooks |
14 |
Harper & Row Publ. |
Harper Colophon Books |
4 |
Harper & Row Publ. |
Studies in World History |
1 |
Harper & Row Publ. |
Roots of the Right |
1 |
Harper & Row Publ. |
A Perennial Classic |
1 |
Harper & Row Publ. |
Critical periods of history |
2 |
Harper Collins Pablishers |
The Cloister library |
2 |
Harper Torchbooks |
The Academy Library |
2 |
Harper Torchbooks |
Veroffentlihungen des Osteuropa-Institutes Munchen |
1 |
Harrasowitz Verl. |
Modern Artist |
1 |
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publ. |
Abrams Artbooks |
2 |
Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publ. |
Occasional Papers |
1 |
Harvard Ukranian Research Institute |
Monograph Series |
1 |
Harvard Ukranian Research Institute |
Widener Library Shelflist |
6 |
Harvard University Library |
Russian research center studies |
27 |
Harvard University Press |
Harvard Papers in Ukranian Studies |
1 |
Harvard University Press |
Harvard Historical Monograghs |
2 |
Harvard University Press |