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Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, California
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Связанные описания:
Краснов, Владислав Георгиевич
Soviet Defectors: The KGB Wanted List
Hoover Institution Press, 1985 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Краснов, Владислав Георгиевич
Soviet Defectors: The KGB Wanted List
Hoover Institution Press, 1985 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Краснов, Владислав Георгиевич
Soviet Defectors. The KGB Wanted List
Hoover Institution Press, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-8179-8231-0
Краснов, Владислав Георгиевич
Soviet Defectors. The KGB Wanted List
Hoover Institution Press, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-8179-8231-0
The last Empire: Nationality and the Soviet Future
Hoover Institution Press, 1986 г.
ISBN 0-8179-8251-5
The last Empire: Nationality and the Soviet Future
Hoover Institution Press, 1986 г.
ISBN 0-8179-8251-5
Roberts, Paul Craig
Marx's theory of exchange, alienation and crisis
ISBN 0-8179-3361-1
Roberts, Paul Craig
Marx's theory of exchange, alienation and crisis
Серия: Hoover Institution Studies
Hoover Institution Press, 1973 г.ISBN 0-8179-3361-1
Dear comrades: Menshevic Reports on the Bolshevic Revolution and the Civil War
Hoover Institution Press, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-8179-8981-1
Dear comrades: Menshevic Reports on the Bolshevic Revolution and the Civil War
Hoover Institution Press, 1991 г.
ISBN 0-8179-8981-1
The twenty-fifth congress of the CPSU: Assessment and context
Hoover Institution Press, 1977 г.
ISBN 0-8179-6842-3
The twenty-fifth congress of the CPSU: Assessment and context
Hoover Institution Press, 1977 г.
ISBN 0-8179-6842-3
Вишняк, Марк Вениаминович
Years of Emigration: 1919-1969, Paris - New York
Годы эмиграции
Hoover Institution Press, 1970 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Вишняк, Марк Вениаминович
Years of Emigration: 1919-1969, Paris - New York
Годы эмиграции
Hoover Institution Press, 1970 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Radkey, Oliver Henry
The unknown Civil War in Soviet Russia: A Study of the Green Movement in the Tambov Region 1920-1921
Hoover Institution Press, 1976 г.
ISBN 0-8179-6551-3
Radkey, Oliver Henry
The unknown Civil War in Soviet Russia: A Study of the Green Movement in the Tambov Region 1920-1921
Hoover Institution Press, 1976 г.
ISBN 0-8179-6551-3
Mazour, Anatole G.
The writing of history in the Soviet Union
Stanford University, Hoover Institution Press, 1975 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Mazour, Anatole G.
The writing of history in the Soviet Union
Stanford University, Hoover Institution Press, 1975 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Краснов, Владислав Георгиевич
Soviet Defectors: The KGB Wanted List
Hoover Institution Press, 1985 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Краснов, Владислав Георгиевич
Soviet Defectors: The KGB Wanted List
Hoover Institution Press, 1985 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Palm, Charles G.
Guide to the Hoover institution archives
ISBN отсутствует
Palm, Charles G.
Guide to the Hoover institution archives
Серия: Hoover Bibliographical ser.
Hoover Institution Press, 1980 г.ISBN отсутствует
Mehnert, Klaus
The Russians & Their favorite books
Hoover Institution Press, 1983 г.
ISBN 0-8179-7821-6
Mehnert, Klaus
The Russians & Their favorite books
Hoover Institution Press, 1983 г.
ISBN 0-8179-7821-6
Arnold, Anthony
Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion in Perspective
ISBN 0-8179-8212-4
Arnold, Anthony
Afghanistan: The Soviet Invasion in Perspective
Серия: Hoover international studies
Hoover Institution Press, 1985 г.ISBN 0-8179-8212-4
МсLure, Jr., Charles E.
Income Tax Policy for the Russian Republic
ISBN 0-8179-5282-9
МсLure, Jr., Charles E.
Income Tax Policy for the Russian Republic
Серия: Essays in public policy
Hoover Institution Press, 1991 г.ISBN 0-8179-5282-9
Dotsenko, Paul
The Struggle for a Democracy in Siberia, 1917-1920: Eyewitness Account of a Contemporary
Hoover Institution Press, 1983 г.
ISBN 0-8179-7771-6
Dotsenko, Paul
The Struggle for a Democracy in Siberia, 1917-1920: Eyewitness Account of a Contemporary
Hoover Institution Press, 1983 г.
ISBN 0-8179-7771-6
Мартынов, Александр Павлович
Моя служба в отдельном корпусе жандармов: Воспоминания
My service in the special corps of Gendarmes
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1972 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Мартынов, Александр Павлович
Моя служба в отдельном корпусе жандармов: Воспоминания
My service in the special corps of Gendarmes
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1972 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Буковский, Владимир Константинович
To choose freedom
ISBN 0-8179-8442-9
Буковский, Владимир Константинович
To choose freedom
Серия: Hoover Press Publication
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1987 г.ISBN 0-8179-8442-9
Hornbeck, Stanley Kuhl
The Diplomacy of Frustration: The Manchurian Crisis of 1931 - 1933 as revealed in the Papers of Stanley K. Hornbeck
ISBN 0-8179-7311-7
Hornbeck, Stanley Kuhl
The Diplomacy of Frustration: The Manchurian Crisis of 1931 - 1933 as revealed in the Papers of Stanley K. Hornbeck
Серия: Hoover Press Publication
Hoover Institution Press, 1981 г.ISBN 0-8179-7311-7
Golder, Frank Alfred
War, Revolution, and Peace in Russia: The Passages of Frank Golder, 1914-1927
Hoover Institution Press, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-8179-9192-1
Golder, Frank Alfred
War, Revolution, and Peace in Russia: The Passages of Frank Golder, 1914-1927
Hoover Institution Press, 1992 г.
ISBN 0-8179-9192-1
Mancosu, Paolo
Smugglers, Rebels, Pirates: Itineraries in the P|ublishing History of Doctor Zhivago
Hoover Institution Press, 2015 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Mancosu, Paolo
Smugglers, Rebels, Pirates: Itineraries in the P|ublishing History of Doctor Zhivago
Hoover Institution Press, 2015 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Basily, Lascelle, de
Works of Art in The Nicolas de Basily room of The Hoover Instiiution
Hoover Institution Press, 1972 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Basily, Lascelle, de
Works of Art in The Nicolas de Basily room of The Hoover Instiiution
Hoover Institution Press, 1972 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Solzhenitsyn in exile: Critical Essays and Documentary Materials
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1985 г.
ISBN 0817980512
Solzhenitsyn in exile: Critical Essays and Documentary Materials
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1985 г.
ISBN 0817980512
Yearbook on International Communist Affairs
Hoover Institution Press, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Yearbook on International Communist Affairs
Hoover Institution Press, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Лазич, Бранко
Biographical Dictionary of The Comintern
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1986 г.
ISBN 0817984011
Лазич, Бранко
Biographical Dictionary of The Comintern
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1986 г.
ISBN 0817984011
Ericson, Edward E., Jr.
Radicals in the University
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1975 г.
ISBN 081796441X
Ericson, Edward E., Jr.
Radicals in the University
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1975 г.
ISBN 081796441X
Wolfe, Bertram David
Lenin and the Twentieth century: A Bertram D. Wolfe retrospective
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1984 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Wolfe, Bertram David
Lenin and the Twentieth century: A Bertram D. Wolfe retrospective
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1984 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Russia, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe: A Survey of Holdings at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
ISBN 0817950117
Russia, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe: A Survey of Holdings at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
Серия: Hoover Press Survey
Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1980 г.ISBN 0817950117
Kataoka, Tetsya
Waiting for a"Pearl Harbor": Japan Debates Defense
ISBN 0817973222
Kataoka, Tetsya
Waiting for a"Pearl Harbor": Japan Debates Defense
Серия: Hoover international studies
Hoover Institution Press, 1980 г.ISBN 0817973222
- Hoover Institution Studies
- Hoover archival documentaries
- Hoover Institution Publication
- Hoover Bibliographical ser.
- Hoover international studies
- Essays in public policy
- Hoover Press Publication
- Hoover Press Survey
- Hoover Institution Foreign Language Publications
- Histories of ruling Communist parties
- Studies of nationalities in the USSR