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- Дипломатия
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Связанные описания:
Zagoria, Donald S.
The Sino - Soviet conflict: 1956 - 1961: With a new preface
ISBN отсутствует
Zagoria, Donald S.
The Sino - Soviet conflict: 1956 - 1961: With a new preface
Серия: Atheneum Paperbacks
Atheneum (N.), 1967 г.ISBN отсутствует
Chen, Jian
The Sino- Soviet alliance and China's entry into the Korean War
Woodrow Wilson center for international scholars, 1992 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Chen, Jian
The Sino- Soviet alliance and China's entry into the Korean War
Woodrow Wilson center for international scholars, 1992 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Griffith, William E.
The Sino-Soviet rift: Analysed and documented
The MIT Press, 1964 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Griffith, William E.
The Sino-Soviet rift: Analysed and documented
The MIT Press, 1964 г.
ISBN отсутствует
The Soviet Union: 1922-1962: A foreign affairs reader
Frederick A.Praeger, 1963 г.
ISBN отсутствует
The Soviet Union: 1922-1962: A foreign affairs reader
Frederick A.Praeger, 1963 г.
ISBN отсутствует
The Soviet Union: 1933-1939
ISBN отсутствует
The Soviet Union: 1933-1939
Серия: Foreign Relations
U.S.Government Printing office, 1952 г.ISBN отсутствует
Фишер, Луис
The Soviets in world affairs: a history of relations between the Soviet Union and the rest of the world 1917-1929, [in 2 vol.]
Princeton University Press, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Фишер, Луис
The Soviets in world affairs: a history of relations between the Soviet Union and the rest of the world 1917-1929, [in 2 vol.]
Princeton University Press, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Deane, John R.
The Strange Alliance: The story of our efforts at wartime co-operation with Russia
The Viking Press, 1947 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Deane, John R.
The Strange Alliance: The story of our efforts at wartime co-operation with Russia
The Viking Press, 1947 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Lukas, Richard C.
The strange allies: The United states and Poland: 1941-1945
The University of Tennessee Press, 1978 г.
ISBN 0-87049-229-2
Lukas, Richard C.
The strange allies: The United states and Poland: 1941-1945
The University of Tennessee Press, 1978 г.
ISBN 0-87049-229-2
Lensen, George Alexander
The Strange Neutrality: Soviet-Japanese Relations during the Second World War 1941-1945
The diplomatic press, 1972 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Lensen, George Alexander
The Strange Neutrality: Soviet-Japanese Relations during the Second World War 1941-1945
The diplomatic press, 1972 г.
ISBN отсутствует
The United States and Eastern Europe
ISBN отсутствует
The United States and Eastern Europe
Серия: Spectrum Book
Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1967 г.ISBN отсутствует
The United States and The Soviet Union: Some Quaker proposals for peace: A report prepared for the American friends service committee
Yale University Press, Geoffrey Cumberlege; Oxford University Press, 1949 г.
ISBN отсутствует
The United States and The Soviet Union: Some Quaker proposals for peace: A report prepared for the American friends service committee
Yale University Press, Geoffrey Cumberlege; Oxford University Press, 1949 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Herken, Gregg
The winning weapon: The atomic bomb in the cold war, 1945-1950
ISBN 0394503945
Herken, Gregg
The winning weapon: The atomic bomb in the cold war, 1945-1950
Серия: Borzoi Book
Alfred A. Knopf, 1980 г.ISBN 0394503945
Shulman, Marshall Darrow
Toward a Western Philosophy of coexistence
Council on Foreign Relation, 1973 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Shulman, Marshall Darrow
Toward a Western Philosophy of coexistence
Council on Foreign Relation, 1973 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Treaty of Peace between Latvia and Soviet Russia 11.VIII.1920
Friedensvertrag zwischen Sowjetrussland und Lettland= Traite de Paix entre la Lettonie et la Russie Sovietique= Мирный договор между Россией и Латвией
The Latvian National Foundation, 1985 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Treaty of Peace between Latvia and Soviet Russia 11.VIII.1920
Friedensvertrag zwischen Sowjetrussland und Lettland= Traite de Paix entre la Lettonie et la Russie Sovietique= Мирный договор между Россией и Латвией
The Latvian National Foundation, 1985 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Грюнвальд, Константин Константинович фон
Trois siecles de diplomatie Russe
Calmann-Levy, 1945 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Грюнвальд, Константин Константинович фон
Trois siecles de diplomatie Russe
Calmann-Levy, 1945 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Schwartz, Harry
Tsars, Mandarins, and Commissars: A history of Chinese-Russian Relations
Anchor books, 1973 г.
ISBN 0-385-02560-2
Schwartz, Harry
Tsars, Mandarins, and Commissars: A history of Chinese-Russian Relations
Anchor books, 1973 г.
ISBN 0-385-02560-2
Harrison, Hope M.
Ulbricht and The concrete "Rose": New archival evidence on the dynamics of Soviet- East German relations and the Berlin Crisis, 1958-1961
Woodrow Wilson center for international scholars, 1993 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Harrison, Hope M.
Ulbricht and The concrete "Rose": New archival evidence on the dynamics of Soviet- East German relations and the Berlin Crisis, 1958-1961
Woodrow Wilson center for international scholars, 1993 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Улам, Адам Бруно
Understanding the Cold War: A historian's personal reflections
Transaction Publ., 2002 г.
ISBN 0-7658-0885-4
Улам, Адам Бруно
Understanding the Cold War: A historian's personal reflections
Transaction Publ., 2002 г.
ISBN 0-7658-0885-4
Daudet, Ernest
Une vie D'Amdassadrice au siecle dernier: La Princesse de Lieven
Librairie Plon, 1903 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Daudet, Ernest
Une vie D'Amdassadrice au siecle dernier: La Princesse de Lieven
Librairie Plon, 1903 г.
ISBN отсутствует
US-Soviet Relations: A Strategy for The '80s: Report a UNA-USA National Policy Panel on US-Soviet Ralations
United Nations Association of United States of America, Inc., 1981 г.
ISBN 0-934654-32-8
US-Soviet Relations: A Strategy for The '80s: Report a UNA-USA National Policy Panel on US-Soviet Ralations
United Nations Association of United States of America, Inc., 1981 г.
ISBN 0-934654-32-8
Палеолог, Морис Жорж
Vol. III. : (August 19, 1916 - May 17, 1917)
George H. Doran Company, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Палеолог, Морис Жорж
Vol. III. : (August 19, 1916 - May 17, 1917)
George H. Doran Company, б.г.
ISBN отсутствует
Ullman, Richard H.
Vol.1. : Intervention and the war
Princeton University Press, 1961 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Ullman, Richard H.
Vol.1. : Intervention and the war
Princeton University Press, 1961 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Treadgold, Donald W.
Vol.1. : Russia, 1472-1917
Cambridge University Press, 1973 г.
ISBN 0-521-09725-8
Treadgold, Donald W.
Vol.1. : Russia, 1472-1917
Cambridge University Press, 1973 г.
ISBN 0-521-09725-8