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Электронный каталог: Draper, Theodore - The roots of american communism
Draper, Theodore - The roots of american communism
Автор: Draper, Theodore
The roots of american communism
Серия: Communism in american life
Издательство: The Viking Press, 1957 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Автор: Draper, Theodore
The roots of american communism
Серия: Communism in american life
Издательство: The Viking Press, 1957 г.
ISBN отсутствует
63.3(7Coe) D-80
Draper, Theodore.
The roots of american communism / T. Draper ; introd. by author's ; Forew. by C. Rossiter . – New York : The Viking Press, 1957 . – XI; 498P. : ill. – (Communism in american life)
Notes. P.399-458; Index. P.463-498.
(hard cover) .
ББК 63.3(7Coe)
ББК 66.69(7Coe)
0039449 Библиотека К/Х Историческая лит-ра 63.3(7Coe) D-80
63.3(7Coe) D-80
Draper, Theodore.
The roots of american communism / T. Draper ; introd. by author's ; Forew. by C. Rossiter . – New York : The Viking Press, 1957 . – XI; 498P. : ill. – (Communism in american life)
Notes. P.399-458; Index. P.463-498.
(hard cover) .
ББК 63.3(7Coe)
ББК 66.69(7Coe)
0039449 Библиотека К/Х Историческая лит-ра 63.3(7Coe) D-80