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Электронный каталог: Introduction to Cyprus law
Introduction to Cyprus law
Introduction to Cyprus law
Издательство: Yorkhill Law Publishing, 2000 г.
ISBN 3-902046-21-X
Introduction to Cyprus law
Издательство: Yorkhill Law Publishing, 2000 г.
ISBN 3-902046-21-X
66.2(5Кип) I-69
Introduction to Cyprus law / Andreas Neocleous & Co ; Ed. D. Campbell . – Б.м. : Yorkhill Law Publishing, 2000 (Albany: Boyd Printing Co, Inc) . – 954P.
Published under The Auspices of the Center for International Lagal Studies; Bibliography. P.927-938; Index. P.939-954.
ISBN 3-902046-21-X (hard cover with jacket) .
ББК 66.2(5Кип)
ББК 67.400
Географический = Страны и территории АЗИИ : Кипр
0073609 Библиотека К/Х Обществ.-политич. лит-ра 66.2(5Кип) I-69
66.2(5Кип) I-69
Introduction to Cyprus law / Andreas Neocleous & Co ; Ed. D. Campbell . – Б.м. : Yorkhill Law Publishing, 2000 (Albany: Boyd Printing Co, Inc) . – 954P.
Published under The Auspices of the Center for International Lagal Studies; Bibliography. P.927-938; Index. P.939-954.
ISBN 3-902046-21-X (hard cover with jacket) .
ББК 66.2(5Кип)
ББК 67.400
Географический = Страны и территории АЗИИ : Кипр
0073609 Библиотека К/Х Обществ.-политич. лит-ра 66.2(5Кип) I-69