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--> Татлин Владимир Евграфович (1885-1953)
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--> Татлин Владимир Евграфович (1885-1953)
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- Татлин Владимир Евграфович (1885-1953)
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Связанные описания:

Боулт, Джон Эллис
A brazen can-can in the temple of art: the russian avant-garde and popular culture
ISBN отсутствует
Боулт, Джон Эллис
A brazen can-can in the temple of art: the russian avant-garde and popular culture
ISBN отсутствует
Art and the Stage in the 20th Century: Painters and Sculptors Work for the Theater
New York Graphic society Ltd., 1968 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Art and the Stage in the 20th Century: Painters and Sculptors Work for the Theater
New York Graphic society Ltd., 1968 г.
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Arte rivoluzionaria dai musti soveetici: 1910 - 1930: [Fondazione Thyssen - Bornemisza, Villa Favorita, Lugano 12.6 - 2.10. 1988]
Fondazione Thyssen-Bornemisza, Electa, 1988 г.
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Arte rivoluzionaria dai musti soveetici: 1910 - 1930: [Fondazione Thyssen - Bornemisza, Villa Favorita, Lugano 12.6 - 2.10. 1988]
Fondazione Thyssen-Bornemisza, Electa, 1988 г.
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Artisti Russi 1900-1930: 150 Acquarelli dal Museo Puskin di Mosca: Roma - Palazzo Delle Esposizioni, 6 dicembre 1990 - 10 febbraio 1991
Carte Segrete, б.г.
ISBN 88-85203-06-X
Artisti Russi 1900-1930: 150 Acquarelli dal Museo Puskin di Mosca: Roma - Palazzo Delle Esposizioni, 6 dicembre 1990 - 10 febbraio 1991
Carte Segrete, б.г.
ISBN 88-85203-06-X
Avant - gard russe, theatre et ballet: 1910 - 1930: Exposition du 7 juin a fin Juillet, 2002
Galerie Zlotowski, 2002 г.
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Avant - gard russe, theatre et ballet: 1910 - 1930: Exposition du 7 juin a fin Juillet, 2002
Galerie Zlotowski, 2002 г.
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Construction: Tatlin and After
Kataekeyh: O atlin kai o kykloe toy
State Museum of Contemporary Art, 2001 г.
ISBN 960-86806-4-6
Construction: Tatlin and After
Kataekeyh: O atlin kai o kykloe toy
State Museum of Contemporary Art, 2001 г.
ISBN 960-86806-4-6
Dada y constructivismo: Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, 9 de marzo - 1 mayo 1989
Ministerio de Cultura, 1989 г.
ISBN 84-7483-527-5
Dada y constructivismo: Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, 9 de marzo - 1 mayo 1989
Ministerio de Cultura, 1989 г.
ISBN 84-7483-527-5
Devoted to Russian Avant-Garde: In Memory of Yevgene Kovtun
Palace Editions, 1998 г.
ISBN 5-900872-82-3
Devoted to Russian Avant-Garde: In Memory of Yevgene Kovtun
Palace Editions, 1998 г.
ISBN 5-900872-82-3
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Erste russische Kunstausstellung
Первая русская художественная выставка : [каталог]
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Боулт, Джон Эллис
From Practice to Theory: Vladimir Tatlin and Nikolai Punin
Б.и., 1992 г.
ISBN отсутствует
Боулт, Джон Эллис
From Practice to Theory: Vladimir Tatlin and Nikolai Punin
Б.и., 1992 г.
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Invention and Tradition: Selected Works from the Julia A. Whitney Foundation and the Thomas P. Whitney Collection of Modernist Russian Art
University of Virginia Art Museum, 1980 г.
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Invention and Tradition: Selected Works from the Julia A. Whitney Foundation and the Thomas P. Whitney Collection of Modernist Russian Art
University of Virginia Art Museum, 1980 г.
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Kunst und Buhne - Film, Musik, Tanz, Theater, Variete, Zirkus: Von Kokoschka bis Tinguely von Popowa bis Tschechonin in der Galerie Orlando, vom 28.Oktober 2010 bis 30. Juni 2011, [Katalog]
Galerie Orlando GmbH, 2010 г.
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Kunst und Buhne - Film, Musik, Tanz, Theater, Variete, Zirkus: Von Kokoschka bis Tinguely von Popowa bis Tschechonin in der Galerie Orlando, vom 28.Oktober 2010 bis 30. Juni 2011, [Katalog]
Galerie Orlando GmbH, 2010 г.
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Painting Revolution: Kandinsky, Malevich and the Russian Avant- Garde: Catalogue
Foundation for International Arts and Education, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-9678451-0-6
Painting Revolution: Kandinsky, Malevich and the Russian Avant- Garde: Catalogue
Foundation for International Arts and Education, 2000 г.
ISBN 0-9678451-0-6
Russian art of the avant-garde: Theory and criticism, 1902-1934
Thames and Hudson, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-500-61011-8
Russian art of the avant-garde: Theory and criticism, 1902-1934
Thames and Hudson, 1988 г.
ISBN 0-500-61011-8
Russian Art of the Revolution: Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art Fabruary 24 Through Marth 25, 1971; Brooklin Museum of Art June 14 Through July 25, 1971
Cornell University Press, 1970 г.
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Russian Art of the Revolution: Andrew Dickson White Museum of Art Fabruary 24 Through Marth 25, 1971; Brooklin Museum of Art June 14 Through July 25, 1971
Cornell University Press, 1970 г.
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Russian Constructivism and Suprematism 1914-1930: 27 June - 14 September 1991
Annely Juda Fine Art, 1991 г.
ISBN 1-87028-027-X
Russian Constructivism and Suprematism 1914-1930: 27 June - 14 September 1991
Annely Juda Fine Art, 1991 г.
ISBN 1-87028-027-X
Russian pioneers: at the origins of non-objective art: May 27-september 18, 1976: Annely Juda Fine Art, London
Precurseurs russes: aux sources de l'art non-objectif
Annely Juda Fine Art, 1976 г.
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Russian pioneers: at the origins of non-objective art: May 27-september 18, 1976: Annely Juda Fine Art, London
Precurseurs russes: aux sources de l'art non-objectif
Annely Juda Fine Art, 1976 г.
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Russische avantgarde: 1910-1930: Bilder konstruktionen: Ausstellung: Vom 31. Mai 1978 bis 30. September, 1978: Koln: Galerie Bargera
Galerie Bargera, 1978 г.
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Russische avantgarde: 1910-1930: Bilder konstruktionen: Ausstellung: Vom 31. Mai 1978 bis 30. September, 1978: Koln: Galerie Bargera
Galerie Bargera, 1978 г.
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Zadora, Stanislas
The Arts After the Revolution 1917-1930
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Zadora, Stanislas
The Arts After the Revolution 1917-1930
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Книга (аналит. описание)
Fauchereau, Serge
The Arts Before the Revolution, 1900 - 1917
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Fauchereau, Serge
The Arts Before the Revolution, 1900 - 1917
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Боулт, Джон Эллис
The Cow and the Violin: Toward a History of Russian Dada
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Боулт, Джон Эллис
The Cow and the Violin: Toward a History of Russian Dada
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